Squarespace Expert
Over the moon to announce that I have been recognised as a Squarespace Expert. Read more to find out what that means for you (and us!) >
No-code website design: Essential things you need to know
There’s been a rise in no-code and low-code platforms recently, and it’s no surprise as we live in a world where we want convenience and ease at our fingertips, even when it comes to website design. In this article, we will be covering: what no-code website design is, the benefits of use, the challenges of no-code, and the top 3 features that you can expect to use on a no-code website design platform, like Squarespace. Read the article >
Virtual panel discussion - Unleash the power of no-code
Pleased to share that on February 23rd, I will be joining an incredible line-up of speakers to discuss how agencies can get the most from no and low-code platforms.
The Unofficial Squarespace Entrepreneur Podcast with Omari Harebin
Omari Harebin interviewed Krishna Solanki on The Unofficial Squarespace Entrepreneur Podcast. Sharing how Krishna Solanki Designs (KSD), the small but mighty, Squarespace website design and branding agency has become established and the journey from freelancer to agency. Listen to the full interview here >>
Speaking at Squarespace Circle Live
Over the moon to share I’ve been invited to be a panellist for the Squarespace Circle Live: New Year, New Clients webinar on the 25th of January 2023 to discuss Finding New Clients.
9 things to update on your website at the end of the year
When the new year hits, you want your website to be ready to attract new clients and customers so that you can work towards those goals you’ve set!…right? Well if you have a bit of downtime then here’s a super quick reminder, a checklist if you like, of the things you can update on your website at the end of the year…
Squarespace Fluid Engine - Everything you need to know
Last year, in July 2022, Squarespace released the latest version of its drag-and-drop editor - Fluid Engine. If you’re an existing Squarespace user you’ve probably heard of it, if not, then worry not, in this post I’m going to cover the essentials of what you need to know, why you need to know about it and also answer some questions that I’ve recently been asked. It’s a hefty article, so get ready to learn all about Squarespace: Fluid Engine...
Judge in the 2022 DevelopHER awards
On 24th November 2022 the DevelopHER Awards ceremony took place in Norwich, at the Corn Exchange.
This year I had the pleasure of being a judge again in the “Eye for Design” category, along with 2 other judges.
Speaking at the Indie Cambridge KnowHow Event
Thrilled to share I’ll be speaking at the Indie Cambridge KnowHow Event in September 2022.
Woman Up Event - July 2022
Woman Up is a networking event that takes place every couple of months. It’s a great event and provides like-minded business women with the opportunity to chat and connect, and to join a discussion led by one of our special guests. I’m super excited to share that I will be one of the special guests and speaking sharing invaluable website design tips you need to know for your website and your business!
Being Freelance Podcast
Having known Steve Folland for a while now It was a pleasure to be interviewed by him for the Being Freelance Podcast where we talked about how I started out as a freelancer and how this helped pave the way for KSD as it is today - a small but mighty brand and Squarespace agency.
Business love and learnings 2021 - Year 3
Celebrating 3 years as a small but mighty agency owner! From multiple big brands and Squarespace website design projects to numerous award nominations, keep reading to find out how the last year has been >
Talking User Experience Design on the “All The Business Bits” Podcast with Ingrid Fernandez
Lets talk websites!
I had the absolute pleasure to talk about websites, customer journeys, user experiences and more recently with the amazing Ingrid Fernandez who is the host of All The Business Bits Podcast!
Judge at the DevelopHER Awards 2021
Honoured to be a judge at The DevelopHER Awards 2021. The ceremony took place on Thursday 25th November in Cambridge, at the Cambridge Corn Exchange. Read more about it…
Winter Get-Together By Indie Cambridge
Krishna Solanki Designs has been part of Indie Cambridge for a few years now. Last night was the lovely winter get-together hosted by Indie Cambridge at The LAB Cambridge!
National Business Women’s Awards 2021 - Finalist
I ended last week with a lovely (surprising!) letter through the post and an email that landed in my inbox so naturally starting the week off with a high! (even though it's rather grey and gloomy out there!)
5 Reasons to use Canva for Small Business Branding and Marketing
As a designer, I use creative software, like Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign, to design assets for my clients and my business. But what do you do if as a business owner you don’t have (or want!) to use those tools….?
I’ve known Nicky for a few years now, not only have we worked together, but we’ve also become friends. Nicky Pasquier is the founder of Virtuoso Assistant, she’s a Certified Canva Creative….
Humanising your brand and business (2021 update)
I originally published this article a while ago so I thought I would revamp it and give it a good update as now more than ever it’s so important to bring out the human side of your brand and business.
To give some context, many many moons ago, when I first started out, I made the impression my business was more than a one-woman band. I thought that was the way to go, and I thought it would be beneficial for my clients to see and believe that they are dealing with a big professional company. Although this route can work for some businesses and brands, it wasn’t for me, and I’m sure it may not be for everyone.
So today I wanted to share some tips on how to humanise your brand and how to make your business feel more personal and how to build a connection with your clients or customers.
How to set up Google Analytics and connect it to your Squarespace site
Understanding your website analytics is so important, it’s something that is an ongoing task and one I know I need to do more of! I know I’m not alone in this and so in today’s post, I thought I would share something I know a lot of business owners, that have a Squarespace website, have asked me recently - How to set up Google Analytics and connect it to your Squarespace website.
Finalist in two categories at SME Cambridgeshire Business Awards
Thrilled to announce that KSD is a finalist in two categories at the SME Cambridgeshire Business Awards Final 2020/21.