Humanising your brand and business (2021 update)

I originally published this article a while ago so I thought I would revamp it and give it a good update as now more than ever it’s so important to bring out the human side of your brand and business.

To give some context, many many moons ago, when I first started out, I made the impression my business was more than a one-woman band.  I thought that was the way to go, and I thought it would be beneficial for my clients to see and believe that they are dealing with a big professional company.  Although this route can work for some businesses and brands, it wasn’t for me, and I’m sure it may not be for everyone.

So today I wanted to share some tips on how to humanise your brand and how to make your business feel more personal and how to build a connection with your clients or customers.

People like to talk to people, especially in a business context. Personally, I like to know who I am talking to and dealing with when I’m looking to hire a professional service.

Background context: 

Recently, we decided to change our shower unit.  I contacted a company and someone replied to my emails.  The emails were very formal and written as if the company was filled with numerous employees.  My first thoughts were, “I hope I don't have to explain my requirements and needs over and over again”.  After an exchange of emails and a short visit, I realised the company was, in fact, a one-man-band.  Although his emails led me to believe there was more than just him, face to face conversation with him revealed it to be just him.  

I could see how his business had flourished over the years.  His personality and personal touch were on point and he was definitely my choice for moving forward with the work I needed doing.  This was based on the fact he became someone I trusted and his knowledge and helpfulness were really appreciated AFTER I met him in person.

This leads me too….


By responding and replying like a real person to a potential client, or customer, you naturally humanise your brand and business.   Minimising the distance and communicating 1-on-1 also helps to form a friendly, personable, relationship that can reinforce that there is a human behind that email!  After all, it may not be easy to meet your client face to face.  

Tip - If you use Zoom or something similar, it's definitely worth doing a video call so that your client or customer can SEE you as well as hear you, especially for that initial call, where you want to build that trust and relationship.


Most businesses and brands are present on social media.  So when it comes to humanising your business and your brand be sure to engage when someone comments on your posts or sends you a DM.  If you have a team or a dedicated social media manager, ensure they are aware of your brand tone of voice and personality so that all and any communication is consistent.  Some big brands, for example, Marks and Spencer go as far as signing off each response or reply with a real person name at the end. This is brilliant to help build rapport and a sense of trust with their customers. It also shows the human element behind their social media account, thus humanising their brand and business. 


You may wonder how can you do this as a business owner.  I know I did at one point! A route I tend to lean on, which not only feels right for my brand personality and business is to share a sense of common humour.  Laughter makes us feel good, it’s relatable and it encourages connection….right?....Plus, humour always brings in a reaction.

4 | Share what happens behind the scene 

Over on Instagram, I often share both business and non-business related images.  I love my business, my agency, but I also have a life outside of work.  Everyone does.  Being able to share what’s happening behind the scene shows that I am “normal” and that the human side to my brand and business becomes apparent. 

Again, people like to know who they are interacting with and in my personal situation, I like sharing… because you know what they say right - Sharing is caring! 

So tell me, what do you do to humanise your business? Do you do any of the above?

Krishna Solanki

This article was written by Krishna Solanki, founder and creative director at Krishna Solanki Designs (KSD). KSD is an award-winning brand and Squarespace website design agency renowned for our experience, creativity, well-defined processes and confident approach.
Krishna is also an official Squarespace Expert, Squarespace panellist and speaker at Squarespace Circle Day.

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