How to make your brand cohesive across platforms - Guest post for Elodie Giuge Photography
Always a pleasure to share my branding expertise! This time I’m sharing how to make your brand cohesive across platforms, and I delve into the nitty-gritty details over on Elodie Giuges blog.
Elodie Giuge is a brilliant portrait and brand photographer based in Cambridge, UK. She helps businesses and solopreneurs tell their story visually and feel confident and equipped to show up.
How to make sure your photography is on-brand
Images are a powerful addition to your brand toolkit. They convey the emotion that you want your customers to feel when they interact with you; they tell stories and get messages across quicker than text, and when created consistently and beautifully they create brand trust and recognition.
Today, I’m here to share some tips to help you do the same and make sure your imagery reinforces your brand and your messages.