Krishna Solanki Designs

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A Startups' guide to...Branding - Guest post for Ed Goodman

I was kindly approached by Ed, a Twitter friend of mine, who asked me to write a few words about design and startups.  He deliberately left the topic quite broad, but I quickly narrowed down to wanting to write about Branding.

This guest post for Eds blog is part of a series of articles he has written for startups, so naturally it was a perfect fit for me to add to his collection, especially as there was no mention about design or in particular, branding, at all!

Really loved putting this together and I can't stress how important branding really is to your startup or small business.

My article covers the following topics:

  • What is branding?

  • Why is branding needed?

  • How to go about branding your startup or small business.

Why not head over to Ed Goodmans website and check out the article.

Enjoy folks!
