How To Deal With Overwhelm As A Small Business Owner

If you have ever felt overwhelmed as a small business owner then you know where I am coming from when I say ARGHHHH…..

For a few weeks now I’ve felt a bit overwhelmed and it’s left me a little shell shocked if I’m honest.  I think I am just about getting over the feeling now so I figured I would share how I how dealt with overwhelm.  

It’s important to say, not everyone deals with overwhelm in the same way, so what works for me may not work for others.  It’s definitely worth taking a look through and sifting out what doesn't work so you can concentrate on what does work!

1 | Invest in getting coached

You can’t be expected to know it all.  Getting help, hiring a mentor or coach can really help you take a step back, reevaluate your position and help you assess the next steps.  Remember, one step at a time, in your own time.

2 | Be willing to try new ways

Sometimes I get stuck in a creative block.  This then turns into overwhelm as I realise I’ve slipped from my usual routine of pumping out my weekly blog post or updating my projects. It’s draining, but I’ve learnt to try something new.  A new way to help my creative juices flow again.  It usually requires a little push and a bit of encouragement, but once I have found a new way to learn something different I find I am a little more energised to get back to it!


3 | Get accountability

This is a good one!  Getting accountability from someone who will help you articulate and keep you on track without feeling the pressure.   

4 | Be kind to yourself

For me, overwhelm comes from the lack of balance in my work-family-social-business life.  When the scales get tipped a little too far in one way I feel the pressure and get myself in a tizzy.  I personally need to remember to be kind to myself.


5 | Focus on planning

I find focussing on planning to be more efficient is a really great way to help me get my mojo back. Knowing I have a plan, something I can stick to without feeling the pressure is a great way for me to get excited about my work or the projects. 

6 | Surround yourself with supportive people

Being around people who understand your journey, who will be your cheerleader when you need but also be honest in providing feedback is one of the best ways to deal with overwhelm. Knowing you are not alone is really important, and knowing others have either been in your shoes or are currently feeling the same way as you can be comforting.  

There are some awesome ways to find supportive people who may not necessarily be in your current friend circle or your family, but that's fine.
Facebook groups, mastermind groups, or business besties are all really great ways to find supportive individuals.

7 | Meditating, daily mantras, exercise, and general good health practices

Another way I have learnt to deal with the bouts of overwhelm and even anxiety is by meditating and making time for the gym.  Twice a week I try and go to the gym, one of these sessions will definitely include doing some pilates.  It helps me break free from the stresses of the world, and it's really good for my mindset and health and wellbeing too.

8 | Talking about it

Sometimes I prefer to talk to someone face to face about how my business is going, and someone who will understand my situation without having a direct impact on me or my business.  Sounds strange but talking about it definitely, makes the overwhelm easier to deal with it. It’s like what they say… “rather out than in!”...

9 | Take a step back

I can’t stress this enough. Taking a step back is sometimes easier said than done but it is one of the best things to do for me when I am feeling overwhelmed.  I usually end up taking a break until I am feeling ready enough to get stuck back in and tackle everything. It helps to give me a fresh perspective on what I am trying to tackle.

10 | Realise you are not alone

I mentioned this briefly above, but I think it warrants its own “section”.  So many small business owners, side hustlers, mompreneurs, or whatever you call yourself, often feel overwhelmed or anxious that it can feel like a lonely time.  The important thing to remember is that YOU ARE NOT ALONE… no matter how isolated you may feel, or like how your peers are doing so well (when you think you are not), BUT… just remind yourself, you are not alone and you can get yourself over and out of the feeling. It’s temporary.

11 | Read

Reading is a great way to “escape” feeling overwhelmed.  Doesn't matter what you enjoy reading, the point is that it provides you with an uplifting feeling and improves your mental wellbeing.

12 | Slowing down

Much like “taking a step back”, slowing down helps me to deal with overwhelm.  Realising it's not the end of the world if my weekly blog post doesn't go out, or if I don't get round to prepping for the next project just now.   Slowing down and splitting the task in hand into smaller chunks may seem like it takes longer to complete the task but it's more than likely going to be helping to you accomplish it with more attention to detail.

13 | Decluttering

This sounds crazy, but it genuinely helps me. Decluttering my desk, drawers, and sometimes even just cleaning the house helps me “declutter my mind” - I know I sound crazy but for whatever reason, it helps me to feel less overwhelmed.  A clean desk is a clean mind… hmm.  Is it just me?

14 | Trying something totally new

Earlier this year, I promised myself to take time away from my working life and freelance business life as a designer.  I decided to make this happen so to reduce how overwhelmed I feel.  So far so good. I took it upon myself to start sewing. I know, I hear ya…. Sewing!?.. Before you judge, sewing is something I have been interested in for a number of years now and this year I figured I would take it a little bit more seriously, but only to give me a break from working on my iMac 24/7 - thus helping me reduce my overwhelm.  Long story short, I have tried this “new trick” and it totally works…

For those who are interested in my sewing projects, check out my Instagram as I often share weekly updates!

Do you suffer from with overwhelm as a small business owner? What tips or tricks have you learnt that help you deal with it?

Krishna Solanki

This article was written by Krishna Solanki, founder and creative director at Krishna Solanki Designs (KSD). KSD is an award-winning brand and Squarespace website design agency renowned for our experience, creativity, well-defined processes and confident approach.
Krishna is also an official Squarespace Expert, Squarespace panellist and speaker at Squarespace Circle Day.

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