10 Essential Web Design Tips You Need To Know For Your Website

A website is an essential part of every business's online presence - especially in this day and age.  Because it is such an important asset to your company's brand and overall image it is important to make sure your website works for you.  That is why I am sharing 10 essential web design tips with you today.

1| Define the purpose of your website

Because every website is different it is important to define the purpose of your website.  This will then help you plan what features, benefits, and content to display on your site.  Your homepage may not necessarily be the entry point into your website, especially if you have a blog, so bear in mind "one size does not fit all" and list all the essential elements you need to include when you are defining your website's purpose.

2 | Prioritise your content

For each page of your website, make sure you prioritise your content and give each section/block the relevant placement and prominence.  For example, if you have a Services page, highlight your service in a manner that stands to your reader first and foremost. That would be the goal of that page. in the same sense, a Contact page should make it easy for the reader to contact you - include and display the different ways you can be contacted - telephone, email, skype, store address - again make sure it is relevant to your business.

3 | CTA's on each page

Each page should include some form of a button or call to action (CTA) which lets the user continue on their journey around your website or make an enquiry.  If you have more than one Service/Product offering, include a button near each offering to make it easy for your reader to take an action.

4 | Choose fonts and Use heading styles wisely

Choosing a maximum of 2 fonts will help differentiate normal body copy and a heading style.  The heading style can be used to highlight a particular section and the body copy can be used as the normal text.  This will make it easier on the eye to read any large section of text and even make small chunks of text more appealing.

5 | Make it easy for your readers to contact you

Every website should include a link to a Contact page or include the contact information on the footer element of the website.  This will make it easy for any customers/clients or prospects get in touch with any enquiries or to book you.

6 | Add your social media links

Leading on from including your Contact page to your website, it's also a good idea to include your social media links as well.  It's common practice to include these in the footer area of your website, at the bottom of each page, and don't feel obliged to add all social media links, just add the ones you are most prominent on.

7 | Include testimonials/reviews from previous clients on your website

If you have any kind words from previous clients/customers then definitely include these!  It can be reassuring to a new potential client about work with you.

8 | Keep it clean and simple

Simplicity is key. You want to provide your potential client/customer with enough information to understand what you are offering and also make it look appealing.  If you have lots of text, either review it to shorten it or display it in a manner that is eye-catching and simple.

9 |  Make sure the page/product URL is keyword specific

Make sure your page URL are easy to remember, read and are relevant.  For example, "www.yourwebsite.com/about" is much better than "www.yourwebsite.com/1923747".  It surprising how this is so easily missed but can make sure a difference.  You can also ensure your blog posts are kept relevant as well, this is good for SEO as well.

10 | Make sure your website is responsive

Lastly, I can't stress this enough. Make sure your website is responsive and is suitable for mobiles and tablets.  You really can't afford to lose business because your website is not tailored for these mediums, esp as they are more widely used nowadays.

I hope these tips are useful to you and help you tailor your website for your business.
Did you find these tips useful? Or maybe you have a tip you would like to share?

Krishna Solanki

This article was written by Krishna Solanki, founder and creative director at Krishna Solanki Designs (KSD). KSD is an award-winning brand and Squarespace website design agency renowned for our experience, creativity, well-defined processes and confident approach.
Krishna is also an official Squarespace Expert, Squarespace panellist and speaker at Squarespace Circle Day.


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