7 Reasons Why A Single Page Website Is Perfect For Your Business

Single page websites are a big hit.  They have been for a while now.  Effective, straight to the point and they can be visually very appealing, especially if kept on brand (which they should be!).
Sometimes with startups, small businesses or side hustle businesses, there isn't an overload of information that needs to be shared so keeping it short and sweet and on one page could be the perfect solution.


Here are 7 reasons why a single page website is perfect for your startup, small business or side hustle:

1 | Coming Soon

You are just starting out and have your brand freshly created.  Your services are ready to be unveiled to the world, but you are working on your main website - you have lots to share but it's taking ages.  Well, a "Coming Soon" page could do the trick whilst you work on the full fledged site.  You can add an opt-in, or a sign-up, or a simple 'watch this space' message whilst you work on the full website.

2 | Simple, and user-friendly

This is actually 2 reasons!! With a single page website, there is no confusion as everything is on one page - it's THAT simple.  Your clients, customers or audience won't need to worry about finding your information as having it clearly structured and present on a single page takes them on that journey.  This ultimately makes your site super user-friendly as well, meaning your users are likely to stay put!

3 | Seamless

Traditionally websites usually share a navigation which leads to other pages of the site.  The problem can be that sometimes you don't have that much information and you can end up with lots of pages you may not need behind the main homepage.  With a single page, there is no need to create extra pages, all the key information can be gathered and sectioned up nicely and seamlessly, making the site work for you.  Making your website intuitive and straight to the point, this leads me too...

4 | Intuitive

A single page website is intuitive. Having an introduction, then delving into the product/service you offer, then ending it with appropriately with contact details, buy now, or sign up forms, tell a story in itself.  Having it all on one page also means the user can be tastefully reminded of your offering(s) without losing their interest or trail of thought.  Letting design adding to this can really provide a rewarding experience for your user.

5 | Cost effective

One of the key features of a single page website is that they take away the mess of having to design and develop numerous pages.  This means it's cost-effective.  No wasted time on pages your clients may not see.  As long as the single page website is designed well you can reap the same benefits as a website with numerous pages. So why waste time, money and energy on something that can be compact and concise.

6 | Differentiate you

Your business is a startup, small business or your side hustle, either way, you want it to stand up and stand out in a crowd. You want it to be different and you want it to differentiate you. Ok so there are LOADS of single page websites, how will your one differentiate you? - Well driving it forward with design and letting even the small experiences work for you can really elevate your website. For example, bringing in hover effects, animation, or customising the design and working on top of the brand to really push your visual appeal can do wonders.

7 | Mobile friendly

Single page website are crazily mobile friendly if done right, this is because they both share a similar design thought process. On a desktop the action to browse a single page website is to scroll down the page, this is the same action on a mobile.  Therefore, you can be rest assured that the experience will be consistent making your website user-friendly.

Have you considered a single page website for your business?  Why or why not did you pick this particular style?

Here is a single page website I created for an awesome previous client of mine - Steakizmo Website.  If you need some help with your website, why not get in touch today and see if we would be a good fit.

Krishna Solanki

This article was written by Krishna Solanki, founder and creative director at Krishna Solanki Designs (KSD). KSD is an award-winning brand and Squarespace website design agency renowned for our experience, creativity, well-defined processes and confident approach.
Krishna is also an official Squarespace Expert, Squarespace panellist and speaker at Squarespace Circle Day.


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